Anouk Moens

Medical Student

My name is Anouk Moens. Currently, I am a fifth year medical student at Leiden University, living in the Hague. I love to broaden my horizon and travel around the world, recognizing all the different cultures and perspectives people may have. One of my occupations is running a webshop with a friend. These are a few reasons why I was interested in supporting the Innovate for Life program. I take satisfaction in doing business and it moves me when people passionally develop new concepts in healthcare and truly execute this. During my study, for example, I organized a health day for residents, in which I experienced how encouraging it was to add value to such a project. Additionally, I am interested in tropical health due to the different and challenging health aspects. This is why I am going to start one of my upcoming interns in Tanzania. I am eager to combine my interests and I am lucky that I am given the opportunity to implement my knowledge and experiences to contribute to this valuable and inspiring program!

innovateforlifeAnouk Moens